Batman arkham knight villains
Batman arkham knight villains


He even lampshades it.Īrkham Knight: You're not the only one who brings a tank to a gunfight. And when that doesn't work, he tries to finish Batman off with a tank.

  • When Batman infiltrates his lair, the Arkham Knight ambushes Batman and shoots him in the side where his armor's weakest, then lets his men attack him while he's weakened.

  • Knows how dangerous Bruce is and takes full advantage of the technical resources of his PMC such as robotic tanks and UAV's to take down Batman.
  • Cool Guns: His main weapons are two handguns which have been customized to be able to merge together and become an instant take-down sniper's rifle.
  • Cold Sniper: When he utilizes his custom take-down rifle.
  • Chest Insignia: A stylized form of the Arkham Asylum logo.
  • The identity of the Arkham Knight was brought over in Detective Comics #1000, but in a combination of Decomposite Character, Gender Flip, and Samus Is a Girl, the comics Knight was revealed to be Jeremiah Arkham's daughter, Astrid, not Jason.
  • Canon Character All Along: The Arkham Knight is revealed to be none other than Jason Todd, the second Robin in the original comics.
  • His hatred is such that he was the one who approached Scarecrow to serve as his muscle offering his PMC company to take Gotham. He loathes the Caped Crusader with a passion and Batman's continued survival causes the button to be increasingly locked in place.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: The Knight's real identity is Jason Todd, who after being tortured and manipulated by Joker for over a year, came to hate his former mentor for not saving him.
  • He'll also threaten that while Batman can break bones, he knows true pain. He frequently berates them when they fail to kill Batman, and should there be one soldier left alive in a predator mission, the Knight will simply tell Batman to finish him off, saying he has plenty more.
  • Bad Boss: While he's never seen physically harming his soldiers, his obsession with Batman causes him to care very little for their safety.
  • As mentioned below, the Arkham Knight sounds borderline demonic.

    batman arkham knight villains

  • Badass Baritone: Courtesy of Troy Baker and the built in electronic modulator he has in his helmet.
  • Justified because he used to be Jason Todd, so he would have both likely been taught usage of those gadgets by Batman himself, and used some of his gadgets as well in his stint as Robin.
  • Badass Bookworm: He created all the tech that he uses to hunt down Batman all by himself.
  • Ax-Crazy: For all his pretensions, namely technical capabilities equal to the Dark Knight and a smug pride in the belief that he's the superior adversary who will finally destroy the caped crusader, he's on the edge of cracking for much of the game and takes it badly when Batman continues to survive.
  • Anti-Villain: He's been put through one hell of a Trauma Conga Line, and it has not been easy on him.
  • Antagonist Title: His name serves as the subtitle of Batman: Arkham Knight.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: They aren't biologically related but he is the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, the man he opposes.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Despite the Adaptational Heroism above, he does go along with Scarecrow's plan to cover the eastern seaboard in fear gas, which is much more extreme than anything his comic counterpart ever did.
  • He also still cares for both Barbara and Alfred a great deal. As for his mental state, he's clearly suffering from textbook psychosis, and whereas in the comics Jason is angry because Batman didn't kill the Joker to avenge his death and then replaced him as Robin within months, here he honestly believes Batman abandoned him to his fate. Here, most of his dirty work is under orders from Scarecrow. Subsequent appearances inconsistently depicted him as either a fundamentally good guy or a fundamentally bad guy, sane or insane, differing from writer to writer.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In the comics, Jason Todd, after his death and resurrection, started out as an acolyte of the League of Assassins who took over Gotham's criminal underground, leading up to his plan to force Batman into killing the Joker.

  • Adaptational Badass: While most incarnations of Jason Todd are badasses in their own right, none of them are at the level of this incarnation, who leads an army of professional killers specifically trained by him to kill Batman and manages to take over Gotham in mere hours.
  • batman arkham knight villains

    Little is known about this mysterious new foe, apart from his name, except that he holds a great contempt for the Dark Knight and will do everything in his power to ensure the Batman's demise. The Arkham Knight is a new villain introduced in Batman: Arkham Knight.

    Batman arkham knight villains