Let sleeping dogs lie meaning
Let sleeping dogs lie meaning

And, since Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealized self-image and attributes, he does not stop – it goes on and onĪnd she learns the only lesson that will keep her in one piece emotionally or physically, to just – let Sleeping Dogs Lie – the real meaning in other words not to arouse the anger of the hidden lion. Here we are not talking about any person but the narcissist or the abuser who is tied to just another normal or sensitive woman. Tied in chains, unseen chains but nevertheless chains that cannot be broken – Let sleeping dogs lie –becomes the better alternative to let things be quiet and calm and not scratch beneath the surface for once the calm is gone you can never predict what could emanate from the person you are dealing with. Scratching beneath that surface shows you another human that you just don’t want to know or interact with – terror reigns and it does reign inside oneself for that moment when we reach beneath the calm. The problem is when you find yourself interacting with a person and you are basically afraid to scratch beneath the surface that he shows you.

let sleeping dogs lie meaning let sleeping dogs lie meaning

Still, it is a lesson and once we understand it, it is okay to accept that each person has his own way of thinking and the right to be himself. Personally, I don’t think that the expression was meant first and foremost for dogs, but for people who act meanly.Īnd once you get out into the world, are old enough to really interact with people it is a shock to the senses, for to every situation they have numerous meanings – how exhausting!! Then, why do we say let sleeping dogs lie? First, because a stray dog will defend himself if something threatens him so, let him lie. Nowadays dogs are needed for therapy accident victims, traumatized people, emotionally disrupted, and more. In fact, a dog is known as mans best friend and that is because he is man’s best friend in that he guards, helps, guides the blind, helps on farms as a sheepdog, and most importantly he acts as a good friend and playmate for kids. The French equivalent is “n’esveillez pas lou chien qui dort,” or wake not the sleeping dog.Sleeping dogs are just that, they are basically innocent creatures that are harmless to humans. 1824 – Sir Walter Scott’s Redgauntlet – “Take my advice, and spear as little about him as he does about you.Covil’s Whigs’ Supplication – “It’s best To let a sleeping mastiff rest. 1546 – John Heywood’s Dialogue of Proverbs – “It is euil wakying of a slepying dog.1385 – it appeared in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde as “It is nought good a slepying hound to wake.”.

let sleeping dogs lie meaning

The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs lists the following appearances, among other 1 Speake, Jennifer. This idiom has existed in some form since at least the 1300’s. That you should ‘let sleeping dogs lie,’ is an old concept. This last gives a glimpse into the metaphor: If a ‘problem’ isn’t causing any trouble for you, why bring it up? Just like when you wake a sleeping dog, you might get bitten. The idea that some problems are better left unmentioned is such an important concept there are several metaphorical expressions that mean the same thing such as leave well enough alone, (don’t) open a can of worms, don’t rock the boat, and never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Let sleeping dogs lie meaning